Letter Geoboards
Letter Geoboards
Letter Geoboards
Letter Geoboards
Letter Geoboards
Letter Geoboards
Letter Geoboards

Letter Geoboards

Regular price $35.00 Sale

This Letter Geoboard makes a great gift for children who are learning their letters. All of the letters are 10" tall, and are the Cooper Black font. The number of pegs varies based on the uniqueness of each letter. They pegs are spaced out in a 1" grid pattern. Kids absolutely love geoboards, and now you have a unique way of allowing them the tactile play that they need. GET A 5% REFUND IF YOU TAG US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Tag us on Instagram or Facebook with a picture of your new purchase, and we'll refund you 5% of your order! After tagging us, make sure to message us your order number with a screenshot of your post so that we can refund your account. Instagram: www.instagram.com/high_five_creations Facebook: www.facebook.com/HighFiveCreationsLLC Choose which letter you'd like. If you want more than one, pick your first one, and add it to your cart, and then return and purchase more. Great for fine motor skills, hand eye coordination, brain development, cause and effect learning, fun, and so much more. Makes a great Christmas gift. The geoboard is cut from 1/2" thick Baltic Birch Plywood, the holes are drilled, and the 1/4" pegs are glued in place making them extra sturdy.